This is a manganese phosphate based treatment applied to reduce frictional forces between reciprocally rotating metallic components, also providing excellent corrosion resistance and aesthetic qualities.
The resulting colour varies from dark grey to black depending on the composition of the material and its surface (mechanical working and any previous thermal treatment).
This type of phosphating is used to treat, for example, gears, transmission parts, hydraulic components, and other moving parts. Items phosphated in this way, and then suitably lubricated, become perfectly matched after only a few hours of operation, providing a superior surface to that obtainable from a long period of running in.
The product we utilise for this treatment ensures a phosphate layer of 10 to 16 g/m² ( 5 – 8 µ).
The dimensional increase should be calculated as 2/3 of the total deposit. We can provide an alternative oil-free finish on request.
photo SEM microscope